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Fedi uses a custom color palette. The colors are hardcoded values and do not provide different hues such as bg-sky-500.

Colors provided in the custom palette override the default TailwindCSS colors, meaning you can't use something like bg-green-500.

greenrgb(0, 168, 42)Same as success
orangergb(223, 123, 0)N/A
darkGreyrgb(109, 112, 113)Same as primaryLight
greyrgb(133, 135, 137)N/A
lightGreyrgb(211, 212, 219)Same as primaryVeryLight
extraLightGreyrgb(233, 233, 234)N/A
keyboardGreyrgb(232, 234, 237)N/A
redrgb(224, 11, 0)N/A
whitergb(255, 255, 255)N/A
blackrgb(0, 0, 0)N/A
nightrgb(11, 16, 19)Same as primary
bluergb(2, 119, 242)Same as link
linkrgb(2, 119, 242)Same as blue
primaryrgb(11, 16, 19)Same as night
primaryLightrgb(109, 112, 113)Same as darkGrey
primaryVeryLightrgb(211, 212, 219)Same as lightGrey
successrgb(0, 168, 42)Same as green
secondaryrgb(255, 255, 255)Same as white


Use a color the same way you would in TailwindCSS.

<span class="text-primary">Hello, world!</span>
<div class="bg-extraLightGrey">Hello, world!</div>