Fedi uses a custom color palette. The colors are hardcoded values and do not provide different hues such as bg-sky-500
Colors provided in the custom palette override the default TailwindCSS colors, meaning you can't use something like bg-green-500
Color | Value | Equivalent |
green | rgb(0, 168, 42) | Same as success |
orange | rgb(223, 123, 0) | N/A |
darkGrey | rgb(109, 112, 113) | Same as primaryLight |
grey | rgb(133, 135, 137) | N/A |
lightGrey | rgb(211, 212, 219) | Same as primaryVeryLight |
extraLightGrey | rgb(233, 233, 234) | N/A |
keyboardGrey | rgb(232, 234, 237) | N/A |
red | rgb(224, 11, 0) | N/A |
white | rgb(255, 255, 255) | N/A |
black | rgb(0, 0, 0) | N/A |
night | rgb(11, 16, 19) | Same as primary |
blue | rgb(2, 119, 242) | Same as link |
link | rgb(2, 119, 242) | Same as blue |
primary | rgb(11, 16, 19) | Same as night |
primaryLight | rgb(109, 112, 113) | Same as darkGrey |
primaryVeryLight | rgb(211, 212, 219) | Same as lightGrey |
success | rgb(0, 168, 42) | Same as green |
secondary | rgb(255, 255, 255) | Same as white |
Use a color the same way you would in TailwindCSS.
<span class="text-primary">Hello, world!</span>
<div class="bg-extraLightGrey">Hello, world!</div>