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Injection APIs

The injection APIs can be accessed through the global window object or via the useFediInjectionContext/useFediInjection hooks in the React library.


Provides some methods documented in the WebLN Standard


import type { InjectionWebLNProvider } from '@fedibtc/ui'

declare global {
interface Window {
webln: InjectionWebLNProvider

declare function useFediInjection(): {
webln: InjectionWebLNProvider

declare function useFediInjectionContext(): {
webln: InjectionWebLNProvider | null


isEnabledbooleanWhether WebLN has been enabled successfully via the webln.enable() method


enable(): Promise<void>Enables all the WebLN methods. [docs]
getInfo(): Promise<GetInfoResponse>Get information about the connected node and what WebLN methods it supports. [docs]
sendPayment(paymentRequest: string): Promise<SendPaymentResponse>Request that the user sends a payment for an invoice. [docs]
keysend(args: KeysendArgs): Promise<SendPaymentResponse>Request the user to send a keysend payment. [docs]
makeInvoice(args: string | number | RequestInvoiceArgs): Promise<RequestInvoiceResponse>Request that the user creates a Bolt11 invoice. [docs]
signMessage(message: string): Promise<SignMessageResponse>Requests that the user signs an arbitrary string message. [docs]
verifyMessage(signature: string, message: string): Promise<void>Opens a view where the user verifies the signature against the raw message. [docs]


Provides basic functions to interact with the Nostr Protocol

import type { InjectionNostrProvider } from '@fedibtc/ui'

declare global {
interface Window {
nostr: InjectionNostrProvider

declare function useFediInjection(): {
webln: InjectionNostrProvider

declare function useFediInjectionContext(): {
webln: InjectionNostrProvider | null


getPublicKey(): Promise<string>Returns the user's Nostr Public Key
signEvent(event: UnsignedNostrEvent): Promise<SignedNostrEvent>Requests that the user sign a Nostr event


Provides some functions to interact with the Fedi App

import type { InjectionFediAPIProvider } from '@fedibtc/ui'

declare global {
interface Window {
fediInternal: InjectionFediAPIProvider

declare function useFediInjection(): {
fedi: InjectionFediAPIProvider

declare function useFediInjectionContext(): {
fedi: InjectionFediAPIProvider | null


version0 | undefinedThe Fedi API version. If undefined, points to the legacy version.


generateEcash(args: GenerateEcashArgs): Promise<string>Generates Ecash notes>=legacy
receiveEcash(notes: string): Promise<{ msats: number }>Claims Ecash notes>=legacy
getActiveFederation(): Promise<ActiveFederationResponse>Returns the ID, name, and bitcoin network of the active Federation>=legacy
getAuthenticatedMember(): Promise<AuthenticatedMemberResponse>Returns the ID and username of the current Fedi member>=legacy
getCurrencyCode: () => Promise<SupportedCurrency>Returns the user's selected three-letter currency code>=0
getLanguageCode: () => Promise<string>Returns the user's selected two-letter language code>=0